Poisson Soluble, founded in 2005, specialises in multimedia communication. We leverage every type of digital media to sell your message effectively.
We’re involved at every stage of the process – from the original concept via the design phase to the execution of the visual content – so we can tell your story in pictures.
We’re a dynamic, free-thinking team, which means we can accommodate all your needs. We’re local and we listen, we’re reactive and we’re creative – that’s who we are and what we do.
Domaine de Fitzgerald - Lot 28
Chemin du Mas Rouge 34970 LATTES - France
Tél. : +334 99 64 57 12
SARL L.R.V.P « Poisson Soluble »
Share capital : 16 200 €
RCS : 482369337
SIRET : 482 369 337 00043
TVA intracom. : FR40482369337
Chemin du Mas Rouge, lot 28
Domaine de Fitzgerald
34970 LATTES - France
Email : contact@poisson-soluble.com
Tél. : +334 99 64 57 12
Publication manager : Patrice ROBERT
Web hosting : OVH
2 rue Kellerman - 59100 Roubaix - France
Photos credits : Unsplash.com