Poisson Soluble


Letter of commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development

So much to do ... And so little time

At Poisson Soluble, we've long been committed to taking time for what's important: the well-being of our employees, the satisfaction of our customers, the choice of our partners.

Like a fish
In water...

Today, we are integrating sustainable development objectives into our organization:

  • By creating value and sharing it with our employees
  • By ensuring that our employees are fulfilled in their work, by improving the living environment, by promoting social dialogue, and by developing skills management.
  • Aiming for continuous improvement in the quality of our services
  • By working with suppliers and partners who share our values

With people at the heart of our approach, we aim above all to be a trusted entity for all our stakeholders.


While building a viable business model is an ongoing challenge, we are also committed to making this model sustainable, by making it part of a reasoned production approach: our ongoing ambition is to design a digital service that respects the environment, while maintaining our demand for innovation.

In concrete terms, we are committed to :

Better sorting and reducing waste, controlling energy consumption, optimizing IT management, encouraging soft mobility, organizing teleworking, developing partnerships and supporting the local economy.

Common-sense measures within everyone's reach, to combine economic, social and environmental performance.


Fred VERNAY, CSR Manager

Patrice ROBERT, CEO of Poisson Soluble

Signature RSE

Come and have
a coffee.

Adresse de l'agence

Domaine de Fitzgerald - Lot 28
Chemin du Mas Rouge 34970 LATTES - France
Tél. : +334 99 64 57 12

43.5903 • 3.9187

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Legal info.

SARL L.R.V.P « Poisson Soluble »

Share capital : 16 200 €
RCS : 482369337
SIRET : 482 369 337 00043
TVA intracom. : FR40482369337

Chemin du Mas Rouge, lot 28
Domaine de Fitzgerald
34970 LATTES - France
Email : contact@poisson-soluble.com
Tél. : +334 99 64 57 12

Publication manager : Patrice ROBERT

Web hosting : OVH
2 rue Kellerman - 59100 Roubaix - France

Photos credits : Unsplash.com